The KBI is a scholarly, non-profit entity. It has been named after Karl Brunner, the leading Swiss social scientist of the 20-th century.

The KBI has been endorsed and is supported by several Nobel Prize Laureates in Economics as well as by many leading macroeconomists from Switzerland and the rest of the world.


The mission of the KBI is to engage in the scientific analysis of the macro-economic policy issues that preoccupy Switzerland now and in the future.

The analysis is scholarly but its output is presented in a form accessible by the general public/business community/politiciansˆ.

The goal is to generate authoritative but balanced knowledge on policy issues that are of interest to the Swiss people and to promote state-of-the-art based, informed economic thinking in the society in the areas of monetary and fiscal policy as a means of

  • generating public support for best practice policies
  • increasing the accountability/quality of the policy institutions

ˆThe analysis is commissioned from the KBI’s extensive, global, network of leading macroeconomic policy experts.

ˆ It takes the form of short and long reports, articles and blogs that are
ˆ disseminated via the KBI online policy portal. The content is freely accessible.

KBI pursues its mission also by organizing seminars, conferences, fora and other events.

Steering Committee: Prof. Dr. Ernst Baltensperger (UniBern), Prof. Dr. Harris Dellas (UniBern), Prof. Dr. Claudio Loderer (UniBern)

Contact info: ,

The Karl Brunner Institute, Alleeweg 10, 3006, Bern, Switzerland